
The Word of God is the focus of our lives.

Welcome to page Homiletics course “Preaching the Word” where the Bible, the Word of God is the focus of our lives. The course began in January 2011 and ended in March 2012.

We are a group of brothers who seek to glorify Him, and in this study we aimed to learn and deepen the art of studying and preaching God’s Word. We were gathered at First Romanian Pentecostal Church (FRPC) of Kennmore, Washington, USA, and participants were from different evangelical churches in the Seattle area. Besides the Bible, the material of the study was the book “Preaching the Word of God,” written by Professor Dr.Vasile Talpos, former rector of the Theological Institute of Bucharest Baptist University. Our local teacher was fr. Leonard Semenea, assistant pastor FRPC.

Propovăduirea Cuvântului videos
are available on iTunes.



Homiletică PDF 
Câteva Obiecţii Negrăite Împotriva Predicării PDF 
Elementele de Bază ale Predicii PDF 
Exegeza PDF 
Ideile Principale
Introducerea PDF 
Încheierea PDF 


  • Videos to Display  ( 20 )

Homiletica 1: Intro (01:08:53)

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Homiletica 2: Obiecții la Propovăduirea Cuvîntului (01:21:57)

Lectia 2 din Cursul de Homiletica

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Homiletica 3: Elementele de bază a predicii (01:30:27)

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Homiletica 4: Exegeza (01:46:43)

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Homiletica 5: Introducerea Predicii (00:41:44)

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Homiletica 6: Incheierea (01:36:00)

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Homiletica 7: Aspecte Practice ale Predicii (01:39:43)

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Vasile Antemie: “Harul de a fii copiii ai lui Dumnezeu” 1-1-2014 PM (00:25:24)

Ioan 1

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